13 Syrian Soldiers Killed Or Wounded In Eastern Homs Bombing (Photos)

13 Syrian Soldiers Killed Or Wounded In Eastern Homs Bombing (Photos)

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On June 18, three soldiers were killed and ten others were wounded when a roadside bomb blew up a truck of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the eastern Homs countryside, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The London-based monitoring group said that the bombing took place near the town of al-Mushrefa, on a road that links Homs city with the key town of Salamiyah in the eastern countryside of Hama.

Photos from the scene of the attack showed that the military truck was only slightly damaged by the blast, which indicates that a small bomb was used.

This was the second deadly attack in central Syrian governorate in less than a week. On June 13, Brigadier General Jaafar Ali al-Akhras of the SAA’s 3rd Corps was killed by an improvised explosive device that was planted under his car in the al-Shammas district in Homs city.

No group has claimed responsibility for any of the two recent attacks in Homs. Both attacks took place in areas where ISIS cells are not known to be present or active.

The recent deadly attacks represent a serious security breach. ISIS, who maintains a large presence in Homs desert, may be attempting to expand its influence in the governorate by orchestrating attacks close to the city. Other terrorist groups, like al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, may also be behind the attacks.


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dear idiots at southfront. please stop using the fucking word ‘deadly’ in almost every one of your bullshit articles. maybe send your clueless moronic pitiful excuses for journalists back to school to learn a new word or invest in a fucking dictionary?
