13 Civilians Fell Victims Of Precision Strike By Ukrainian Nazis In Donetsk (Photos, Videos 21+)

13 Civilians Fell Victims Of Precision Strike By Ukrainian Nazis In Donetsk (Photos, Videos 21+)

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On September 19, Ukrainian militants committed another war crime against civilians in the Donetsk People’s Republic which remained unnoticed by the global media. 

In the morning a precise strike hit the bus stop and a grocery store on the Baku Commissars Square in the Kuibyshev district of the city of Donetsk. As a result of the inhumane attack of the Ukrainian military at least 13 civilians were killed, including two children, many more civilians were wounded.

According to the Representative office of the DPR in the JCCC, Ukrainian forces fired 155-mm shells from their positions in the village of Netailovo located 15 kilometers from Donetsk. The attack was carried out with NATO military equipment.

Eyewitnesses say that some of the victims were alive for a moment after the attack. “They crawled until they bled out.”



The attack brought the total number of civilian casualties in the city in two days up to 25. On September 18, the AFU managed to kill only 9 civilians and injure 13 more with several strikes, then today, they they immediately killed 13 civilians with a single 155-mm shell, more civilians were killed in other district of the city.

In addition, Ukrainian shells hit the hospital near the railway station. The railway itself was also targeted. Before that, the ambulance station was demolished. Another “strategically important target” for the Ukrainian shell was a market in the Tekstilshchik district. As a result of the attack, three sellers were killed on the spot.

13 Civilians Fell Victims Of Precision Strike By Ukrainian Nazis In Donetsk (Photos, Videos 21+)

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13 Civilians Fell Victims Of Precision Strike By Ukrainian Nazis In Donetsk (Photos, Videos 21+)

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13 Civilians Fell Victims Of Precision Strike By Ukrainian Nazis In Donetsk (Photos, Videos 21+)

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13 Civilians Fell Victims Of Precision Strike By Ukrainian Nazis In Donetsk (Photos, Videos 21+)

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At night, the AFU struck the House of Culture in the village of Stakhanov, as well as at infrastructure facilities in Svatovo of the Luhansk People’s Republic. The attack was carried out with the US-made HIMARS MLRS. Damage to civilian infrastructure was reported.

The ongoing attacks on civilians in the DPR and LPR continue on a daily basis. People have been dying from Ukrainian shells for eight years. Today, dozens of teams of foreign journalists are working in the city but the global MSM do not publish any reports from Donetsk. The Western media are even using horrific footage from the city to spread lies that it was shelled by Russian forces or to claim that the attacks hit other Ukrainian cities. The MSM prefer spreading baseless fake claims of the Kiev regime.

The West is afraid to face the truth and continues to justify its bloody policy, stuffing their population with fake narratives. In turn, the Russian military has to force the Kiev regime to pay for thousands of lives of innocent civilians killed in the Donbas.


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Still, the bridges and railroads the Ukies use to transport weapons to the front hum merrily along.


So when’s that supposed trap by Putin going to get sprung? :/


These crimes will not go unpunished.


The winner decides.


God decides

a passer by

After all this, and you still thinks there’s a referee determining everything?


God is not a referee.

WT Baker

These atrocities must not cause a reaction that will make the crisis even worse than it is given the truth that the bankrupt western financial system will continue these horrific acts then cast expursions on Russia to cover the collective NATO guilt of war crimes let alone conducting a immoral unjustified war against sovereign states. I listen to Biden say there will be no nuclear war as long as Russia does not use any kind of nuclear weapons yet the potential for supplying a Nazi terrorist regime with lethal ATACMS (long range missiles) that are capable of hitting Russia is more than just speculation and is intended to escalate not deter.


go to ryanmcbeth.com

The Outsider

Jesus, how sick…


Wonder why putin still hasn’t shelled ukronazi’s headquarter in kyvi?


Is that supposed to say “Kiev”?

The Outsider

Yes, those Kiev bastards are a bunch of sick degenerates

Vlady Putty

How DARE they invade Russia like that and claim territory that isn’t theirs?! Absolutely sick how they lob artillery into Moscow and kill civilians every day!


Finally, some good sarcasm.


The “Kiev bastardsd” as you say aren’t as bad as the soviet/russian bastard rat cocksuckers!!!


Ukrotard stooges still playing the Five Eyes terror game. Shock and Awe will make the people cry out for the overthrow of the Russian government, just like the Five Eyes keep telling the NATO states. Worked great in Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. Sparkly Eyes!


AFU motorised brigade lost 30+ men +over 50 wounded + 46 Air mobile lost 15 men + 3 armoured vehicles -Kherson Region .

Where are the two Turkish citizens who said to me ” our President supports Russia” — and some believed them— I said NO he doesn’t- two faced – well today TURKEY STOPPED the Russian MIR card system – WHY — because the US of A -Biden told President Erdegon – stop the MIR system using Turkish LIRA or sanctions — and Erdegon OBEYED him !

Absolutely shameful !!! dont ever tell me Erdegon can be trusted !!!- I knew he was a two-faced backstabber – smile at your face while sticking a dagger in your back.


When you hear someone call Erdoganistan a “Russian ally” or an enemy of USA or Israel, you know they don’t know wtf they are talking about and should rightly dismiss them as politically illiterate.

Southfront censorship sucks

Only Turks can trust Turks…to be backstabbing thieves full of their left-over fez pimping Ottoman Empire delusions…this arrogance will lead to mass starvation of Turks.

Tom Bombastadillo

Erdogan is pivot man in a huge international clusterfuck. A bad spot to be in.






This is beyond horror more innocent people murdered at a grocery store and a bus stop this was a deliberate attack by Kiev on ordinary people like you and me it could easily have been so had we been at that bus stop! Let the Kiev regime hear this I live in London west Europe i know Ukraine well many times I visit over the years. hear in London ordinary people just like those you murdered today know the truth about your genocide of Russian speaking people across Ukraine and the LDPR we have watched and listened to your hate filled lies and acts of violence since 2014 pure evil satanic how can you call yourself human to inflict this on other human beings.

Zizek the all-knowing

Bobo, there is no humanity left in the Kiev regime and its Satanic nazis are even worst. There is no hope for that country to be even a decent country in the future. The best, that can happen to it is that Russia and a few neighbours divide it and the rest can be called Banderistan. Then the truly insane, demented refuse can claim that as their country. Banderistan, good luck with your future, when the truth will be known, you won’t even be accepted in United Nations.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zizek the all-knowing

Isn’t your tag really “Zizek the un-knowing” or “Zizek the idiot fool”?


Wow Bobo. The objectivity of your writing is something to behold. You have the emotionality of a woman. This was almost certainly a DNR artillery accident according to expert blast crater analysis. 122mm howitzer most likely loaded incorrectly with a reduced powder charge causing the round to land short. I imagine the loader is having a pretty rough time as he is almost certainly aware of his mistake. War is hell and mistakes happen. Let’s just try and stay rational shall we.


You are an idiot! Go to ryanmcbeth.com for the truth.

Adam Larson

I went to his nonsense video and then explained how he got it backwards – the shell came from north-northwest, where UA forces are just 7-10 km out. https://libyancivilwar.blogspot.com/2022/10/september-19-donetsk-attack-crater.html

Karl Pomeroy

This is as bad as 2014.


Do you see ? Do you want more nazi-fascist ukraine behavior evidences ? Stop the jew comediant nazi-fascist of Zelensky.

Icarus Tanović

Well, make them pay, already.


Ukrainian Pigs

Vlad from Romania

USA bred pigs.


Russian scum bag, cocksucking orcs!!!

in Zelensky's walls

MSM wants you to believe that they shelled themselves . Damn, same with butterfly mines etc… Ukraine is the one doing it and Russians get the blame.

Southfront censorship sucks

Clearly this SMO is going to move into an anti terrorist opperation and direct confrontation with corrupt NATO occupied bankster G20 puppet governments. The attacks on civilians is inexcusable, it’s NAZI level warcrimes, no Ukronazi should be allowed to escape unpunished, if they flee to Europe, hunt them down with hypersonic strikes, parachute arms in to support uprisings and counter globalist insurgencies. Ultimately, the UN, WHO, BIS and central bank controlled media, etc. are to blame for this war, but specifically ROTHSCHILD. Westerners with a shred of morality should help the Russians hunt the Rothschilds down and put em in the ground.

Tom Bombastadillo

“Westerners with a shred of morality” as in gay pride parades, drag queen story hours at local libraries, and a presidentiual pedo. Good luck with that!

Vlady Putty

We’re doing fine. Good luck under fascism!


Until you are mobilized to die in Ukraine.


Well, I can’t argue with you about that!

Brain Giblet

Whataboutery. We are discussing genocide and Kremlin propaganda here. Not sexualities.

Vlady Putty

Yep, and here we go again with another “anti-Nazi” Russian… They accuse others of being Nazis, and state anti-Jewish rhetoric in the same damn sentence. Please look up the word ‘Nazi’ all you Russians out there and figure out what the word actually means.

Buford T Justice

This is the work of the psychopaths in the US and the Ukrainian savages they are arming , they must be made to pay , they gotta be !

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T Justice
Vlady Putty

Good luck. Come and get us. We’re just an ocean away and are eagerly waiting for you!


My thoughts exactly, If you hate us so much why don’t YOU do something about it and see how far that gets you. Slava Ukraine, Orcs will die.

Gerry Bell

These are incredibly confronting images – but necessary to do full justice to the inhuman tactics of the Americans. The fact that the western media refuse to mention these crimes – are forbidden to state the truth – only makes the crimes more disgusting. May Russia absolutely crush them!

Vlady Putty

Sorry, it’s the Americans running around in Ukraine stealing toilets and dishwashers? You guys are such a joke.


Sad and unnecessary. Unfortunately, the dictator Putin on 24.2. escalated the war and these are the consequences.


The disgusting angloZionaZi empire of shit can be proud of its latest bout of interminable slaughter.. As for the evil EUSSR and their “values”, I pray to God the Pedovore Politburo in Natostan sewer Brussels is tried and executed when Mother Russia finally liberates Urupp and the hostage Euro Peons.

Onward to Odessa, Berlin (again) and the sewer of BrUSsels.


We had ruscist in my country..never ever. Nobody calls them to so call liberate, what are you talking avbout? The oppoiste we goona protect ourself from russian genocide which we already had here.. They need usefull bastards to support their bloody greed, murders in ukraine. They already dispersed ukrainians through russia, claiming there are no ukrainians and that is definiton of fascism. Evil Russia must be destroyed at all cost as they are leader of hate and fascism, stealing and corruption.

fre serf

This is what our moronic world leaders do … it should be done to them instead …


This appears, based on expert crater analysis, to be a DNR artillery accident. 122mm howitzer most likely loaded incorrectly with a reduced powder charge causing the round to land short of its target. I imagine the loader is having a pretty rough time as he is almost certainly aware of his mistake.

Adam Larson

Expert in how to absolve UAF. Whatever things he learned in the military, crater analysis apparently wasn’t one of them. https://libyancivilwar.blogspot.com/2022/10/september-19-donetsk-attack-crater.html


Nice propaganda again my lovely DPR/LPR and Russophiles.


Adam Larson

I can post this just as many times as y’all post Mcbeth’s steaming pile of nonsense. https://libyancivilwar.blogspot.com/2022/10/september-19-donetsk-attack-crater.html

Last edited 2 years ago by Adam Larson
You're all screwed

Enjoy your war draft. You’re all going to die as human shields.

Vlady Putty

We will FREE these nazis with our authoritarian power and invasion of sovereign territory!

Vlady Putty

The rhetoric in this article and the comments below it really give me pause. I truly don’t want to believe Russians are this stupid. It’s got to be a result of a terribly broken society that derives from two centuries of brutal oppression. Right? Please? Help me here. Help me believe that Russians aren’t truly evil and willfully ignorant.

Adam Larson

Putin consistently lies about everything – always has. Just look at the current lies he told about his 300,000 person draft. Yet, so many people still want to push his bullshit. Stop supporting Putin, and then watch everything get more peaceful.
